Important Dates
02/02 - Officer Proficiency (7pm)
02/04 - EA Degree (See website)
02/09 - Officer Practice
02/09 - School Of Instruction
02/11 - Regular Communication
02/11 - Lodge Chile Cook-Off
02/11 - Girl Scout Cookie Sale
02/16 - Officer Practice
02/16 - School Of Instruction
02/18 - Possible Degree (See website)
02/23 - Officer Practice
02/23 - School Of Instruction
02/25 - Possible Degree (See website)
Other and Upcoming Activities
03/01 - Family Social (Mrs. Robino's)
03/11 - Reg. Communication
03/20 - Brotherhood Night
03/28 - Semi Annual Communication
All comments should be directed to the Worshipful Master and not to other Brothers unless the lodge is at ease.
When a Brother arises to speak, he shall respectfully address the Master and, if he transgresses the rule of the Lodge in speaking or otherwise, the Master shall call him to order, when he shall immediately sit down unless permitted to explain.
No Brother shall be permitted to speak more than twice upon any question without leave, nor more than once until every Brother wishing to speak shall have spoken; and when two or more arise at the same time to speak, the Master shall name the Brother who shall first speak.
While the Master is addressing the Lodge or putting a question, or a Brother is speaking, no Brother shall entertain any private discourse or pass between the speaker and the chair.
There shall be no debate after the question is put by the Master.
St. John's Shout Out!
Western Star Lodge #2, CA
The lodge was chartered on May 10, 1848, in Missouri and brought to