Important Dates


03/02 - Officer Proficiency (7pm)
03/02 - School Of Instruction
03/04 - Possible Degree (See website)
03/05 - Officer's Vistit To Ionic #31
03/09 - Officer Practice
03/09 - School Of Instruction
03/11 - Regular Communication
03/16 - Officer Practice
03/16 - School Of Instruction
03/17 - St. Patrick's Day
03/18 - FC Degree
03/20 - Brotherhood Nught (NUR Shrine)
03/23 - Officer Practice
03/23 - School Of Instruction
03/25 - Possible Degree (See website)
03/28 - GL Semi Annual Comm.

Other and Upcoming Activities

04/08 - Reg. Communication
04/18 - Statewide Open House
05/13 - Reg. Communication
06/10 - Reg. Communication/Strawberry Night
also see Calendar page

DE Masonic Tag
Our fraternity has a bright history of proudly displaying the square & compasses. In keeping with this tradition, the Delaware Masonic Specialty License Plate will distinguish you among others and promote masonry throughout your travels.

The Delaware Department of Motor Vehicle is issuing Masonic license plates. "MM tags" are available at a one-time cost of only $20 ($10 goes to Grand Lodge and $10 to DMV). This is an excellent opportunity to show you are proud to be a Mason. And did you know that a Freemason can have more than one tag? - One each for as many vehicles as he owns.

If you are a Delaware Freemason (or a PA, NJ, or MD Freemason living in DE) and would like information about getting a "MM tag", please email the Secretary and he will provide you with the contact person's name and number. This is an excellent opportunity to show you are proud to be a Mason.

St. John's Shout Out!

Western Star Lodge #2, CA
The lodge was chartered on May 10, 1848, in Missouri and brought to

California by Saschel Woods on Peter Lassen's wagon train. Woods formed Western Star Lodge No. 98 and held its first meeting on October 30, 1849, at Benton City on Lassen's Ranch. On April 17, 1850, its name was changed to Western Star Lodge No. 2. Sadly though, the number "1" was assigned to Western Lodge No2 Building the wrong lodge due to faulty information at the time. And so, Western Star Lodge No. 98, the oldest chartered lodge in the state of California and the first to meet and organize, became Western Star Lodge No. 2 when it rightfully should have been No. 1.

On May 9, 1851, the lodge changed its meeting location place from Benton City to Shasta. In 1853, the members' first Shasta meeting place burned to the ground, as did almost the entire business district of Shasta. This resulted in the future meetings being held in the unfinished second floor attic of Dr. Benjamin Shurtleff's home at Shasta until a new building was built. The last meeting was held there on Dec. 27, 1854, and the members marched in a Grand Procession to their new and present meeting place at 15344 Main St., Shasta.

This building was built in 1854 by Julias Norton and Silas Tucker to house their mercantile business. It was referred to as "Norton & Tucker's fireproof brick building" and consisted of two stories and a basement. It was built on the same spot as a previous building and like many others rebuilt at Shasta at that time, it was built to be fireproof – with thick brick walls, iron doors and tin roofs.

The lodge purchased the second floor for $2,400. The second floor has served as their Lodge Room from then on. In 1859 Norton & Tucker went bankrupt and the lodge acquired the remainder of the building.

The lodge meeting room is elaborately furnished. Much of the furniture that was purchased then is still being used today. The furniture consists of chairs, the altar, and the secretary's desk.

In 1928, a vault was constructed to store and preserve relics, documents, antiques, and anything pertaining to the

history of the Masons. As the years went by, the vault filled up and another was built. After the second vault was built, the original vault was converted into a display area to show off some of the more valuable Masonic history such as the first Masonic charter brought to California, Peter Lassen's pipe, and other assorted treasures.
The new vault was built in the basement. Over the years a small meeting room and lounge area were added next to the vault. Grand Master Ronald A. Sherod dedicated the meeting room and lounge in 1991 to the memory of Mrs. Mae Helene Bacon Boggs, who was the greatest benefactress of the Lodge.

Over the years the lodge has had some well-known members such as Isaac Roop, who went on to become the governor of the Honey Lake Territory, William Hopping, former Shasta County sheriff and district attorney, Jesse W. Carter, former Shasta County district attorney and California Supreme Court Justice, C. C. Bush, the unofficial father of Redding, James L. Richardson, former Shasta County sheriff, and former Sen. John McColl, just to name a few.
Western Lodge No2 Lodge Room
The building is the only surviving structure in its original condition located in Shasta. It and the nearby Masonic Cemetery on Muletown Road are owned and maintained by the Western Star Masonic Temple Association. The lodge is very much involved with Shasta schools and community organizations and it also regularly hosts a popular community breakfast in its downstairs basement.

Western Star Lodge #2
15344 Hwy 299 West (Main Street)
Shasta, CA 96087


In an effort to operate in a sustainable environment, increase cost effectiveness, and provide you with information as quickly and readily as possible, our Trestle Board will be posted online. However, any member of our Lodge who wishes to receive a printed copy can contact our Secretary (by email at, or send a letter to Secretary, P.O. Box 409, New Castle, Delaware 19720, and one will be mailed to you by regular mail.)