In the search for "That Which Was Lost," we are not actually searching for a particular word. Our search is a symbol for our "feeling of loss" or "exile" from the Source of Life. What we are searching for is Divine Truth, which should be the ultimate goal of all men and Masons.

The Book of Genesis gives us a clue to the power of speech. In it, we learn that the first Act of Creation occurred when "God said." The utterance of the Word is also closely connected with the idea of Light, and therefore knowledge. Having the power of speech is perhaps the noblest attribute of man, because he can communicate his thoughts to his fellows. Thus, The Word has been carried down through the ages as synonymous with every manifestation of Divine Power and Truth. We must always search diligently for truth, and never permit prejudice, passions, or conflicts of interest, to hinder us in our search. We must keep our minds open to receiving truth from any source. Thus, Masons are devoted to freedom of thought, speech and action. In our Craft Lodges, we have but a substitute for the True Word. Each person must ultimately seek out and find the True Word for himself, through his own individual efforts.

Some Masons feel that the names of the Ruffians give us a blatant hint at the Lost Word. Indeed, there is an allusion to the sacred syllable of the Vedic texts found in these names. But again, that word is itself a symbol of the underlying Reality that upholds and sustains the world. Some Masons feel that the Lost Word is spoken of in the scriptures variously as "the sound of rushing waters" and "I heard behind me a Voice like a great trumpet," or "a great roar like a lion" and such.

Important Dates


04/02 - 48th Semi Annual GL

04/04 - Officer Practice
04/04 - School Of Instruction
04/06 - Fellowcraft Degree
04/09 - 2nd Saturday Coffee
04/11 - Officer Practice
04/11 - School Of Instruction
04/13 - Reg. Communication
04/15 - GL United Table Lodge
04/16 - Ionic #31 Railroad Degree
04/18 - Officer Practice
04/18 - School Of Instruction
04/20 - Possible Degree (check web)
04/25 - Officer Practice
04/25 - School Of Instruction
04/27 - Possible Degree (check web)

Upcoming Activities

05/14 - State Wide Open House
05/14 - 2nd Saturday Coffee
also see Calendar page

St. John's Shout Out!

Lafourche Lodge # 427 F & A M
Cut Off, Louisiana

Lafourche Lodge # 427 F & A M

The year was 1947. The South Lafourche area, especially from Golden Meadow to Leeville, was booming because of the oil industry. Fisherman of the area were still going about their business, but a few turned to the oil industry for a new way of life. The oil industry brought in outsiders who were transferred from other areas, and also drifters who were looking for work. The influx of strangers were a varied group with different backgrounds and of different religions.

Our community was small and everyone knew everyone. We had a few area Masons at the time, but their numbers were small and they were members of Unity Lodge # 267 in Houma and Etoile Polaire Lodge #1 in New Orleans, which were the closest lodges at the time.

Eventually a bond grew between the local Masons and outsiders who were Masons and this bond became a thread of the fabric that would become Lafourche Lodge # 427.

The wheels had been put in motion. Brother L.D. McQuaid and Brother John Brady made many trips to New Orleans to the Grand Secretary's office to make requests for a new lodge in the

South Lafourche area. Unity Lodge #267 was the sponsor of this lodge.

The hard work paid off. On November 30, 1947, Lafourche Lodge held it's first meeting under Dispensation. It was a proud moment. It was a historic moment. A time when brothers of different creeds and classes united in a moment of mutual respect for themselves, their community, and God. The meetings were held in the old Golden Meadow fire house under Special Dispensation from the Grand Lodge. Officers that night were Joe Manning -Worshipful Master, Ed Jacks on -Senior Warden, Ernest Peck -Junior Warden, John Brady -Senior Deacon, George Falgout- Junior Deacon.

On February 16, 1948, Lafourche lodge # 427 was issued a Charter from the Grand Lodge of Masons of the State of Louisiana. There were 53 names listed on the charter as original members of the new Lodge. The Lodge grew and prospered and eventually talk was to find a permanent resident for the new Lodge.

The dream became a reality when brother Andrew Cheramie, by his love and dedication for Masonry, sold the land that Lafourche Lodge now sits. A building committee, made up of Brothers Phil Authement, Nat J. Collins Sr., and Victor Theriot was organized. Construction of the building then started. During construction, every member was asked to perform their share of labor on the new building and in the event they were unable to do so, pay someone to labor for them.

On October 10, 1950, the members held their first meeting in their new building. The officers that night were Ernest
Lafourche Lodge # 427 F & A M
Lafourche Lodge
Corner Stone
Peck Worshipful Master, N.H. Martin Senior Warden, and A.E. Griffin Junior Warden. Also on that night, the first Master Mason was raised in Lafourche Lodge. His name was George Gordon. He eventually became master of the Lodge.

Lafourche Lodge #147
16542 W Main St
Cut Off, LA 70345