November 2016

St. John's Lodge No. 2
A.F. & A.M.

P.O. Box 409
1406 Wilmington Road
New Castle, Delaware 19720
(302) 328-9303

Regular Communication Every
2nd Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Except July and August

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Stated Communication

Prior to our regular communication on November 9, 2016, there will be a meeting of all grand lodge members and wardens at 7:15 pm. Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.

From The East


Another month has passed by and we enter into the autumn season. How beautiful fall is with it's amazing colors. The Great Architect of the Universe is quite an artist. This is a good time, as we approach the thanksgiving season, to reflect on the things we should be thankful for. This includes family, loved ones, friends and our Masonic Brothers. The hourglass stops for no one so be thankful and enjoy the manifold comforts and blessings that we have. I wish you all a great Thanksgiving Holiday.

We are now the proud lodge of two new master masons, Brothers Corey Laber and Bruce Williams. They were raised on October 5th by the officers and members. What a great Degree. Stop by the lodge sometime and welcome our new Master Masons.

Our annual pancake breakfast will be held on November 26th, from 8 AM to NOON. Cost will be $7.00. It's good food and a great time, so come on out and enjoy this annual event.

As always, I look forward to seeing all my brothers at our regular stated communication on November 9th. Hope to see you there and again, have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.

W∴M∴ Frank E. Hartsell, PM

Important Lodge Dates

Every Monday Evenings 7:00pm ‐ Officer Practice / School of Instructions

Fundraiser - Pancake Breakfast - November 26th 8am - Noon, $7.00/ticket. See flier for more detail!!

Super Bowl Raffle - Raffle tickets are being sold by the lodge officers. Top prize is a 4D Ultra HD TV! See flier for more detail!!


Super Bowl Raffle – The Officers of St. John's Lodge are selling raffle tickets to raise funds. See flier for more detail!

2ND SATURDAY COFFEE – The monthly 2nd Saturday Social will be on Saturday, November 12th. This is an informal get together of Masons from accross the state to intereact without a scrip or agenda.

ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST – The annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser will be held on Saturday November 26, 2016 from 8am - Noon. $7.00 all you can eat!

FACEBOOK – St. John's Lodge has a Facebook page which enables us to spead some announcements and picture pertaining to the lodge faster. If you have a Facebook account, "Like" us to get informed quicker!

ASSISTANCE – Please notify us if you know of any member who is ill or in need of assistance.

GOOD OF MASONRY –If any Brethren have anything to offer for the good of masonry for future issues of the Trestle Board, please email W∴M∴Frank E. Hartsell, PM

NEED A RIDE? – As always, if you need a ride to the lodge, please call any officer. It would be our pleasure to pick you up and take you home.