NEW CASTLE MASONIC HALL COMPANY – This month the Worshipful Master will be accepting nominations for the Hall Company. If you are interested
in helping your lodge by serving as a member of the Hall Company, please submit your name to the Worshipful Master prior to the meeting. The Hall
Company meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
NCMHC STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING – The NCMHC Stockholders meeting will be on Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 8:00 pm. If you own stock, please plan on attending.
POSSIBLE DEGREES – Possible degrees on Sept 28th and Oct 5th
ANNUAL COMMUNICATION – The 211th Annual Grand Lodge Communication will be on Monday, October 10th in Rehoboth Beach Delaware. Registration starts at 8:30 AM.
ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST – The annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser will be held on Saturday November 26, 2016 from 8am - Noon. $7.00 all you can eat!
FACEBOOK – St. John's Lodge has a Facebook page which enables us to spead some announcements and picture pertaining to the lodge faster. If you have
a Facebook account, "Like" us to get informed quicker!
ASSISTANCE – Please notify us if you know of any member who is ill or in need of assistance.
GOOD OF MASONRY –If any Brethren have anything to offer for the good of masonry for future issues of the Trestle Board, please email
W∴M∴Frank E. Hartsell, PM
NEED A RIDE? – As always, if you need a ride to the lodge, please call any officer. It would be our pleasure to pick you up and take you home.