And now, the first list. Robert bowed his head and held out both of his hands.
I purposefully handed him the first list and held his gaze for several seconds, waiting for him to begin reading the
page. After an unusually long silence, he began to crumple the paper into a ball and once again tossed it into the can
without looking at it.
What did you do that for?! I couldn't hide my anger any longer.
Robert began to speak in a quiet and assured voice. What you SHOULD or COULD do with your life no longer matters. The
only thing that matters, from this day forward, is what you MUST do.
He then drew a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and handed it to me.
I opened it carefully, and found a single word floating in the middle of the white page:
Have You Considered
Leaving A Legacy?
Have you considered leaving a Legacy to your lodge, St. John's Lodge No 2? If you have, please make sure that St. John's Lodge No 2
is included in your Wills and Trusts so that your legacy can continue to help promote Freemasonry in the State of Delaware
long after you have left your brethren behind. Freemasonry in Delaware has just celebrated its 200th anniversary. With your
help, maybe it can celebrate its 300th one day.
Love is the source and goal; faith is the slow process of getting there; hope is the willingness to move forward without resolution
‐ Richard Rohr
The genius of freemasonry is not our Masonic buildings and temples or the trappings of our organizations. It is not
our great charities or community activities. It is not our beautiful rituals or their teachings! It is the practice
of Freemasonary by the Freemason. Yet we cannot practice that which we do not know or understand. Thus Masonic
education is the foundation for our fraternity. Brother Carl H. Claudy in The Master's Book says, one thing
and only one thing a Masonic Lodge can give its members which they can get nowhere else in the world. That one thing
is Masonary.