Important Dates


03/01 - Senior Officer Training
03/03 - School Of Instruction
03/03 - Officer Practice
03/05 - Possible Degree
03/10 - School Of Instruction
03/10 - Officer Practice
03/11 - Lafayette No.14 200th Anniv.
03/12 - Reg Communication
03/14 - 46th Annual Brotherhood Night
03/15 - GL Education Workshop
03/17 - NCMHC Mtg
03/17 - School Of Instruction
03/17 - Officer Practice
03/18 - Jackson Lodge 19 Ladies Dinner
03/19 - Master Mason Degree
03/22 - 57th Semi‐Annual GL Comm.
03/24 - School Of Instruction
03/24 - Officer Practice
03/26 - Posible Degree
03/29 - GM Youth Table Lodge

Upcoming Activities

04/05 - Kennett Lodge 475 Pancake Breakfast
05/03 - IONIC Lodge Railroad Degree
08/09 - Grand Lodge Picnic
Check the website for any date changes and also see Calendar page

St. John's Shout Out!

Murder At The Four Deuces - March 8th

Murder At The Four Deuces

The Grand Chapter of DE (OES) Service Dog Committee, invites you to join them for a Murder Mystery Dinner on March 8, 2025. Roaring 20s attire is encouraged! The place of the "murder" will be at the Dover Masonic Building in Dover Delaware. Read the flyer for more information. Click here for Flyer

Harmony Lodge Mardi Gras Ladies Night - March 8th

Harmony Mardi Gras

Harmony Lodge No 13 will be holding a Mardi Gras Ladies Night on Saturday, March 8th, 2025 from 6pm until 10pm. Dress code is Masquerade Ball Theme / Jacket & Dress. For more information click on the link below to read the flyer. Click here for Flyer

Hands‐Only CPR Class ‐ March 8th

Hands Only CPR Class

Join New Castle Count Paramedic as they present this program on when to act and what to do when someone is in cardiac arrest. This is not a certification class, just informative. See flyer for more information. Click here for Flyer

46th Brotherhood Night

45th Annual Brotherhood Night

The 46th ANNUAL BROTHERHOOD NIGHT will be held on Friday, March 14, 2025 at the NUR Shrine Center. Get your tickets now, and join brothers from several jurisdictions at this ever popular masonic event. If the lodge runs out of tickets, see the flyer link below for more information on purchasing your tickets. Last year, we had over 350 brothers in attendance...get your tickets now, and don't miss out on the Fun, Fellowship, and won't be disappointed. Click here for Brotherhood Night Flyer

57th Semi-Annual GL Communication - March 22nd

2025 Grand Lodge Semi-Annual

The 57th Semi-Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Delaware will convene at 9AM at the Newport Masonic Temple. All members of Grand Lodge are encouraged to attend. Registration will open at 8AM.


NUR Shrine Oasis Night - March 28th

Nur Shrine Oasis Night

On Friday, March 28, 2025, NUR Shrine will have an Oasis Night from 6pm until 8:30pm. Oasis night is open to all masons and is an opportunity to enjoy the company of other Delaware Masons and Shriners. Cash bar and some light food is provided but you are encouraged to bring some food to share. Click here for flyer

GM Youth Table Lodge - March 29th

2025 Grand Master Youth Table Lodge

Come join us for our Annual Grand Masters Youth Table Lodge. With members of Grand Staff, Job’s Daughters, and DeMolay, you will enjoy hearing from a few special speakers, a flavorful seven course meal, and toasts for every course! Click here for Flyer

2026 Grand Lodge of Delaware Masonic Cruise

2026 Grand Lodge Cruise

The cruise on the beautiful Carnival Magic will depart Miami, Florida on Saturday, March 7, 2026. The itinerary includes four relaxing days at sea and stops in the sunny ports of Aruba, Curacao and Amber Cove (Dominican Republic), before returning to Miami on Sunday, March 15, 2026.

Registration is now open. By booking this early, there is nearly a year and a half to make payments as final payment is not due until November 1, 2025. There are multiple cabin options to fit any need you would like.

To make your reservations, please contact Aaron Jackson from Dreams Fulfilled Travel at (302) 858-7841 or by email at If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Chad Robinson, PGMar., at (302) 270-4391.
Please see the attached flyer for more information. Click here for Flyer