October 2016

St. John's Lodge No. 2
A.F. & A.M.

P.O. Box 409
1406 Wilmington Road
New Castle, Delaware 19720
(302) 328-9303

Regular Communication Every
2nd Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Except July and August


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Stated Communication

From The East


Time has a way of passing us by. Already it is October. Just a reminder, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If at all possible, contribute in some way to a charity of your choice that works in finding a cure for this terrible disease. Many people are affected this year by this cancer and can surely use our help.

There are some events to mention this month. We will be raising two Fellow Crafts on October 5th, come on out to Lodge and join us in this memorable occasion. Degree will start at 7:30.

Grand Master Elect Dale Irwin's installation will be held on October 13th, at the Clayton Fire Hall in Clayton, Delaware starting at 7PM. For more information, please see the Grand Lodge website. Also, there will be a reception for Grand Master Dale on Friday, October 14th, at 7 PM at the New Castle Masonic Hall, by Ionic Lodge #31. RSVP to D. Edward Wright at dewmetal1@comcast.net or by calling 302-834-4231. Dress code is Masonic Lodge appropriate.

As always, I look forward to seeing my brothers in Lodge on October 12th, for our next stated communication. Until then my brothers, stay healthy and safe.

W∴M∴ Frank E. Hartsell, PM

Important Lodge Dates

Every Monday Evenings 7:00pm ‐ Officer Practice / School of Instructions

Degree Night - October 5th at 7:30pm.

Social Outings - Additional family outings and socials will be announced by email and on the website calendar.

Extraordinary Brotherhood


MM Degree – The Master Mason Degree will be conferred on FCs Corey Labor and Bruce Williams on Wednesday October 5th at 7:30pm

2ND SATURDAY COFFEE – The monthly 2nd Saturday Social will be on Saturday, October 8th. This is an informal get together of Masons from accross the state to intereact without a scrip or agenda.

GL ANNUAL COMMUNICATION – The 211th Annual Grand Lodge Communication will be on Monday, October 10th in Rehoboth Beach Delaware. Registration starts at 8:30 AM.

GL WORKSHOP – The first GL Leadership Workshop for this year will be held on Saturday, October 29th at Union Lodge #7 in Dover. Starts at 8:30am with Coffee and Donuts. Workshop is from 9am to Noon.

ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST – The annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser will be held on Saturday November 26, 2016 from 8am - Noon. $7.00 all you can eat!

FACEBOOK – St. John's Lodge has a Facebook page which enables us to spead some announcements and picture pertaining to the lodge faster. If you have a Facebook account, "Like" us to get informed quicker!

ASSISTANCE – Please notify us if you know of any member who is ill or in need of assistance.

GOOD OF MASONRY –If any Brethren have anything to offer for the good of masonry for future issues of the Trestle Board, please email W∴M∴Frank E. Hartsell, PM

NEED A RIDE? – As always, if you need a ride to the lodge, please call any officer. It would be our pleasure to pick you up and take you home.