PM Jewel

Living Past Masters

  • 1952 - Irwin N. Duncan
  • 1958 - Buford E. Cline
  • 1960 - Donald L. Ransom, Jr.
  • 1962 - Warren F. Schueler, Sr.,PGM
  • 1965 - Robert A. McCullough
  • 1970 - Henry D. Kerley, Jr.
  • 1971 - Arthur A. Loveless, Jr., PSGD
  • 1975 - Harold C. Barker, PSGD
  • 1976 - Edwin W. Ware
  • 1980 - Clayton W. Hewes, Jr.
  • 1981 - John A. Loeb, PGMar
  • 1982 - Herbert J. Atkinson, PGM
  • 1983 - Paul H. Steele, Jr.
  • 1984 - Thomas J. Ventura,Sr., PJGW
  • 1985 - Eugene R. Small, PGMar
  • 1986 - Charles F. Starkey
  • 1988 - James T. Elliot, PAGM
  • 1989 - G. Thomas Taylor, III
  • 1991 - Kenneth E. Mullholland
  • 1992 - Charles A. Newton
  • 1993 - Craig S. Newton
  • 1994 - G. Thomas Taylor, III
  • 1995 - G. Thomas Taylor, III
  • 1996 - Thomas J. Ventura,Sr., PJGW
  • 1997 - Thomas J. Ventura,Sr., PJGW
  • 1998 - Gregory A. Schulze
  • 1999 - Gregory A. Schulze
  • 2000 - Kenneth E. Mullholland
  • 2001 - Eugene R. Small, PGMar
  • 2002 - Charles F. Starkey
  • 2003 - David M. Parker
  • 2004 - David M. Parker
  • 2005 - Harley W. Spry, Jr., PGAid
  • 2006 - Harley W. Spry, Jr., PGAid
  • 2007 - Herbert J. Atkinson, PGM
  • 2008 - Herbert J. Atkinson, PGM
  • 2009 - Harley W. Spry, Jr., PGAid
  • 2010 - David M. Parker
  • 2011 - Thomas J. Ventura,Sr., PJGW
  • 2012 - Gregory A. Schulze
  • 2013 - Frank E. Hartsell
  • 2014 - Randall S. Woods, Sr
  • 2015 - Stephane Sabourin
  • Masonic Birthdays

    Birthday Ballons


    Harold G Roth – 10/17/1956
    Carl R Soderland – 10/11/1961

    birthdays continued...

    Earl J Reed – 10/24/1962
    Donald M Ray – 10/16/1963
    Herold D Wilbur – 10/23/1963
    Wallace L Cannon – 10/25/1967
    Thomas H Cochran – 10/28/1970
    Kenneth R Worley – 10/27/1971
    John W Cochran – 10/8/1975
    Herman E Williams – 10/13/1976
    Eugene A Emmell – 10/17/1979
    Thomas B Herron – 10/17/1979
    Paul J Perna – 10/15/1980
    Philip H Davis – 10/17/1986
    Michael E Emmell – 10/20/1999
    Frank E Hartsell, PM – 10/18/2006
    William T Coleman – 10/1/2008
    David M Reed – 10/26/2011
    Paul G Shavack – 10/24/2012
    Steven R Wray – 10/22/2014

    Potatoes, Eggs and Coffee Beans
    There once was a farmer who grew award winning corn. Each year he entered his corn in the state fair where it won a blue ribbon.

    One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it. The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors.

    "How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?" the reporter asked.

    "Why sir," said the farmer, "didn't you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn."

    He is very much aware of the connectedness of life. His corn cannot improve unless his neighbor's corn also improves.

    So it is with our lives. Those who choose

    to live in peace must help their neighbors to live in peace. Those who choose to live well must help others to live well, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others to find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.

    The lesson for each of us is this: if we are to grow good corn, we must help our neighbors grow good corn.


    Have You Considered
    Leaving A Legacy?

    Have you considered leaving a Legacy to your lodge, St. John's Lodge No 2? If you have, please make sure that St. John's Lodge No 2 is included in your Wills and Trusts so that your legacy can continue to help promote Freemasonry in the State of Delaware long after you have left your brethren behind. Freemasonry in Delaware has just celebrated its 200th anniversary. With your help, maybe it can celebrate its 300th one day.

    Extraordinary Brotherhood Pin

    Lodge Pins This beautiful pin can be yours, free. All you have to do is come to lodge on any regular or special meeting night!

    ` Lodge Pins