February 2025

St. John's Lodge No. 2
A.F. & A.M.

P.O. Box 409
1406 Wilmington Road
New Castle, Delaware 19720
(302) 328-9303

Regular Communication Every
2nd Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Except July and August


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Stated Communication

Our Grand Lodge Visit will be on February 8th from 5pm to 10pm at The Lodge 115 Moorton Drive Dover Delaware 19904.

Our Stated Communication has been moved from February 12th to Saturday February 8th. The Lodge will be open prior to (4:00 PM) and placed at ease to allow our Guest and their Ladies to be present. The Theme this year is Greased Lightnin. John Travolta and Olivia Newton‐John, a 1950's Sock Hop event. The tickets are $45.00 per person and include open bar, dinner and dancing the night away with the love of your life. The food is going to be great and the brotherhood even better so come out and enjoy a great evening. Contact any Officer for tickets.

From The East

Past Masters, Officers,Members
and Brothers,

Last month was a great month for Masonry and Brotherhood we collected boxes and boxes of clothing and essential items for the VA Hospital. PM Frank Hartsell, Bro Bruce Williams and Bro Michael Hinton loaded their truck and took everything to the Hospital where they were received by staff members from the VA and thanked for the generous donations from St. John's Lodge #2.

Bro Bruce Williams also had a great evening at Jackson Lodge #19 where he was Crowned King of the Chili Cook Off, it was a great event enjoyed by many brothers and the significant others. I am so thankful for all the members of St. John's Lodge #2 for everything they did to make last month so memorable. This month should also be a great month for members of St. John's, we have our Grand Masters Visit this month so come out and have a great time with your brothers.

Important Lodge Dates

Officer / Member School of Instructions
Every Monday Night at 7:30pm

GL Lewes Polar Bear Plunge
February 1

St. John's GL Visit - Grease Lightnin'
February 8

Lafayette No 14 200th Anniversary Event
February 11

Brotherhood Night
Mar 14


LEWES POLAR BEAR PLUNGE – The Lewes Polar Bear Plunge will take place on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at 1:00pm, Cape Henlopen State Park. Delaware Freemasons will be camping and gathering to make the plunge! Plan to meet at sites C17 and C19. Food and fellowship will follow at this campsite. If you don't want to plunge, you can still make a donation. All donations will support Special Olympics of Delaware.

GRAND LODGE VISIT – The Grand Lodge Visit for St. John's lodge will be on Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 5PM to

announcements continued...

10PM at the Wilson's Lodge in Dover Delaware. The theme this year is a Greased Lightnin Sock Hop Grand Lodge Visit. So slick your hair back, put on your leather jacket and bring your "Pink Lady" for a great time. See page 3 for more information!

LAFAYETTE NO 14 200TH ANNIVERSARY – This coming February, 2025, Lafayette Lodge No. 14 will celebrate the 200th Anniversary of receiving their charter from our Grand Lodge, and holding their first Stated where the officers were installed. To celebrate, on February 11, Lafayette Lodge No. 14, is hosting esteemed Brother Chris Ruli, who will present his recently published work on the Masonic Life of Delaware's First Honorary Past Grand Master, Brother Marquis de Lafayette. There will be a catered dinner at the lodge. Doors will open at 6PM.

FROM THE SECRETARY – There are still several brothers that have not paid their 2024 or 2025 dues as of yet. If you do not have a 2025 dues card in your wallet, then you are most likely one of the aforementioned brothers. Contact the secretary if you are unsure.

FACEBOOK – St. John's Lodge has a Facebook page which enables us to spread some announcements and pictures pertaining to the lodge faster. If you have a Facebook account, "Like" us to get informed quicker!

ASSISTANCE – Please notify us if you know of any member who is ill or in need of assistance.

GOOD OF MASONRY –If any Brethren have anything to offer for the good of masonry for future issues of the Trestle Board, please email W∴M∴Herman Williams

NEED A RIDE? – As always, if you need a ride to the lodge, please call any officer. It would be our pleasure to pick you up and take you home.

For all events and fundraisers please contact any officer for more information and tickets.