the magic golden thread many years earlier. "How have you enjoyed my special gift?" she asked.
"At first it was fun, but now I hate it." he responded bluntly, "My whole life has passed
before my eyes without giving me the chance to enjoy it. Sure, there would have been sad times as well
as great times, but I haven't had the chance to experience either. I feel empty inside. I have
missed the gift of living."
"You are very ungrateful," said the old woman. "Still, I will give you one last wish."
"I'd like to go back to being a schoolboy and live my life over again," Peter quickly
responded. He then returned to his deep sleep.
Again, he heard someone calling his name and opened his eyes. "Who could it be this time?" he
wondered. When he opened his eyes, he was absolutely delighted to see his mother standing over his
bedside. She looked young, healthy and radiant. Peter realised that the strange woman from the forest
had indeed granted his wish and he had returned to his former life.
"Hurry up, Peter. You sleep too much. Your dreams will make you late for school if you don't
get up right this minute," his mother admonished. Needless to say, Peter dashed out of bed and began
to live the way he had hoped. He went on to live a full life, one rich with many delights, joys and
triumphs, but it all started when he stopped sacrificing the present for the future and began to live
in the moment.
Have You Considered
Leaving A Legacy?
Have you considered leaving a Legacy to your lodge, St. John's Lodge No 2? If you have, please make sure that St. John's Lodge No 2
is included in your Wills and Trusts so that your legacy can continue to help promote Freemasonry in the State of Delaware
long after you have left your brethren behind. Freemasonry in Delaware has just celebrated its 200th anniversary. With your
help, maybe it can celebrate its 300th one day.
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.
‐ Picasso
Masonic labor is purely a labor of love. He who seeks to draw Masonic wages in gold and silver will be
disappointed. The wages of a mason are in the dealings with one another; sympathy begets sympathy,
kindness begets kindness, helpfulness begets helpfulness, and these are the wages of a mason - Benjamin Franklin