
Fraternal greetings and welcome to St. John's Lodge No 2, A.F. & A.M. of Delaware!

We are located in New Castle Delaware on Wilmington road, just outside Historic New Castle and down the street from the Delaware Memorial Bridge.

Grand Lodge Semi-Annual Comm.

Delaware GL Seal
Due to some unforeseen issues at the Newport Masonic Temple, the 57th Semi‐Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Delaware has been moved to the Grand Lodge "Blue Room" at the Grand Opera House in Wilmington. Registration will be on the 4th Floor with Grand Lodge being held in the "Blue Room" on the 3rd Floor. Registration will be available beginning at 8:00 AM, and there will be light refreshments on the 4th Floor. Grand Lodge will open promptly at 9:00 AM. The date for this event is Saturday, March 22, 2025 and dress for this Grand Lodge Semi-Annual Communication is coat and tie.

If you have any questions, please contact the office of the Grand Secretary
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Glenn F. Davis, Sr., PGM
Grand Secretary

Make A Wish Foundation Fundraiser

Charity Dinner

Ham and Oyster Fundraiser

Ham and Oyster Fundraiser

The Officers and Members of St. John's Lodge have teamed up with Gus's Crab Shack for an all you can eat ham and oyster fundraiser to benefit the Delaware Cancer Society. For more information, see flyer below.

Read Flyer

Embroidered Masonic Shirts

Masonic Shirts Order Form

Some of you may have noticed WM Herman walking around with a nice shirt with a square and compass, and the lodge name embroidered in the left chest area. The form below will tell you how you can order your own!

Click here for order form.


Worshipful Master
Herman E. Williams, Sr.

Senior Warden
Gregory A. Schulze, PM

Junior Warden
Frank Hartsell,PM

Robert Wright

Joseph B. Schulze, PM

Senior Deacon
Stephane Sabourin, Sr., PAGM

Junior Deacon
Robert L. Daniels

Senior Steward
John J. Karpovich

Junior Steward
Michael A. Hinton


Robert J. Josefowski

Lodge Building Meets Every 2nd Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. Except July and August

GL Member Portal