About Us

Building Picture

St. John's Lodge No 2
A.F. & A.M.

P.O. Box 409
1406 Wilmington Road
New Castle, Delaware 19720

Chartered June 7, 1806

Meeting in historic New Castle, Delaware
Over 220 years of Friendship, Morality and Brotherly Love

Regular Communications
Every 2nd Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. Except July and August

Plaque Picture

In June, 2006, the Delaware Grand Lodge celebrated it's 200th anniversary. St John's Lodge No2, being one of the 4 founding lodges, was presented with this plaque by Most Worshipful Ronald Conaway in commemoration of the event.


Worshipful Master
Herman E. Williams, Sr.

Senior Warden
Gregory A. Schulze, PM

Junior Warden
Frank Hartsell,PM

Robert Wright

Joseph B. Schulze, PM

Senior Deacon
Stephane Sabourin, Sr., PAGM

Junior Deacon
Robert L. Daniels

Senior Steward
John J. Karpovich

Junior Steward
Michael A. Hinton


Robert J. Josefowski

Funeral Services

One of the many privileges a Freemason enjoys is the right to a Masonic Funeral Service. Our funeral services are a reflection on our Fraternity, and our Brotherly Love for one another.

If you desire a Masonic Funeral Service, your family must request your Lodge to perform a service in your honor. We cannot show up at a funeral and perform our service uninvited.

To request a service, simply contact our lodge, or direct your funeral director to call the Worshipful Master or Secretary.

If you are, or your family member was a member of a Lodge outside of our local area, one of the local Lodges would be happy to perform the service for your Lodge.