October 2024

St. John's Lodge No. 2
A.F. & A.M.

P.O. Box 409
1406 Wilmington Road
New Castle, Delaware 19720
(302) 328-9303

Regular Communication Every
2nd Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Except July and August


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Stated Communication

Dress Code

Brothers, this year we are again going to support our local VA Hospital; it is only through the sacrifice of our veterans that we can enjoy the freedom that we have today.

Until further notice the dress code will be business casual for those who bring a donation item. Acceptable items are:

Package of Socks
Package of T-shirts
Pair of Pajama bottoms
Pair of Slippers
Toiletries (tooth brush, tooth paste, soap, deodorant)
Package of Men's Underwear

Remember, they sacrificed a lot so we can be free to meet as Masons.

Tux / Suit / Jacket will be required for all degree work.

From The East

Past Masters, Officers, Members and Brothers,

What an exciting meeting. Our first meeting was full, we had everything, Petitions, balloting, committees ,and the merger. Thanks to all of you everything went well. We were blessed to be able to celebrate Buford Cline's 100th Birthday! Great having him there. Thank you so much and always let peace and harmony prevail.

Our first event in Sept, The First Annual Crab Feast went well, we had a lot of fun,

tons of food and a great band. Thanks go out to Gus at Gus's Crab Shack and Dale Willey and all the brothers who helped make this event a success.

Looking forward our next event The Second Annual Car Show. I have solicited support from the SPCA and the VA Hospital for the event. We have some great sponsors and awesome trophies, please come out and support your brother's, help is always appreciated and brotherhood makes every event more special.

Thank you all.
Fraternally Yours,
W∴M∴ Herman E. Williams, Jr.

Attest: Robert C. Wright

Important Lodge Dates

Officer Practice/School of Instructions
Monday Evenings at 7pm

Entered Apprentice Degree
Oct 2nd at 7:30pm

Outdoor Movie Night
Oct 19th at 7:00pm

First Responder Lunch
Oct 26th from 11am - 3pm

Fellowcraft Degree
Oct 30th at 7:30pm

St. John's Craft Fair
Nov 2nd from 10am - 3pm

Masons Keeping Community Strong

To enhance the support of our community by supporting our veterans and First Responders and all those of service.

"Masonic labor is purely a labor of love. He who seeks to draw Masonic wages in gold and silver will be disappointed. The wages of a Mason are in the dealings with one another; sympathy begets sympathy, kindness begets kindness, helpfulness begets helpfulness, and these are the wages of a Mason." - Benjamin Franklin


219TH ANNUAL COMMUNICATION – On Monday, October 7, 2024, the Grand Lodge of Delaware will hold the 219th Annual Communication in Rehoboth Beach Delaware at the Atlantic Sands Hotel and Conference Center. Registration begins at 8am and Grand Lodge opens at 9am. Lunch will be served for the men starting at approximately 12:00 noon and the Annual Communication will reconvene at approximately 1pm. All members of

announcements continued...
Grand Lodge are encouraged to attend. Dress is coat and tie.

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT – On Saturday, October 19, 2024, the officers of St. John's Lodge No 2 will have a outdoor movie night at the lodge, located at 1406 Wilmington Rd, New Castle Delawre. All are invited to come out and enjoy a night with their family. There will be popcorn and drinks along with a family friendly movie. It all starts at 7pm. Please RSVP by emailing W∴M∴Herman E. Williams,Jr. so that we have enough food for everyone.

FIRST RESPONDERS LUNCH – On Saturday, October 26, 2024, the officers of St. John's Lodge No 2 will hold a First Responders Lunch from 11am until 3:00pm. If you know of any first responders, which incude police, fire fighters, EMTs and those that work in our prison systems, invite them to come out and enjoy lunch on us! Show your support of the individuals that sacrifice so much to take care of us.

FROM THE SECRETARY – There are still several brothers that have not paid their 2023 and/or 2024 dues as of yet. If you do not have a 2024 dues card in your wallet, then you are most likely one of the aforementioned brothers. Contace the secretary if you are unsure.

FACEBOOK – St. John's Lodge has a Facebook page which enables us to spread some announcements and pictures pertaining to the lodge faster. If you have a Facebook account, "Like" us to get informed quicker!

ASSISTANCE – Please notify us if you know of any member who is ill or in need of assistance.

GOOD OF MASONRY –If any Brethren have anything to offer for the good of masonry for future issues of the Trestle Board, please email W∴M∴Herman E. Williams,Jr.

NEED A RIDE? – As always, if you need a ride to the lodge, please call any officer. It would be our pleasure to pick you up and take you home.

For all events and fundraisers please contact any officer for more information and tickets.

"When danger comes, some men cry, scream, cower or run. First Responders are not those men."

‐ Unknown Author