Important Dates


10/02 - EA Degree
10/07 -219 GL Annual Comm.
10/07 -Grand Lodge Banquet
10/09 - Reg. Communication
10/14 - School Of Instruction
10/14 - Officer Practice
10/16 - Possible Degree
10/19 - Outdoor Movie Night
10/21 - School Of Instruction
10/21 - Officer Practice
10/21 - NCMHC Mtg
10/23 - Possible Degree
10/26 - 1st Responder Lunch
10/28 -GM Family Movie Night at NUR Shrine
10/28 - School Of Instruction
10/28 - Officer Practice
10/30 - Fellowcraft Degree

Upcoming Activities

11/02 -St. John's Craft Fair
Check the website for any date changes and also see Calendar page

St. John's Shout Out!

The MS Bike To The Bay - October 5th

MS Bike To The Bay

John the Grand Master, MW Ron Ferraro for the MS Bike To The Bay Ride on October 5, 2024. Bike MS is the largest fundraising cycling series in the world. Each year, nearly 50,000 cyclists and more than 5,000 teams ride together to change the world for people with MS. With the fundraising support of each cyclist, The National MS Society can continue their work of tackling the complex challenges of MS ‐ from one‐to‐one MS Navigator support, advocacy that drives systemic change to a network of resources and information that helps people affected by MS feel more in control and less alone. Starting point will be at the Delaware Technical Community College in Dover Delaware. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Click here for Flyer To join the Team or make a donation, please see the link below. Click here for Donations


Delaware Grand Lodge 219th Annual Communication - October 7th

Grand Lodge Communication

The 219th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Delaware, A.F. & A.M., will be held on Monday, October 7, 2024, at the Atlantic Sands Hotel & Conference Center in Rehoboth Beach, DE.

The 219th Annual Communication will commence at 9:00 AM in the Swan Ball Room on Monday, October 7th, followed by the introduction of our Distinguished Guests. Registration will begin at 8:00 AM. Lunch will be served for the men starting at approximately 12:00 Noon and the Annual Communication will reconvene at approximately 1:00 PM. The dress is coat & tie.

Harmony Lodge #13 Golf Tournament - October 12th

Harmony Lodge #13 Golf Tournament

The officers and members of Harmony Lodge #13 will be hosting their Annual Golf Tournamant on October 12th, 2024 at Garrison's Lake Golf Club. This tournament supports the lodge's scholarship fund. For more information, please see the flyer. Click here for Flyer


St. Johns Family Movie Night

You and your families are invited to join the officers of St. John's Lodge, and their families, for a FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT AT THE LODGE. There will be a food, and soft drinks available for everyone. Movie will start at 7pm. Please RSVP in advance by emailing W∴M∴Herman E. Williams,Jr. so we have a head count for concessions. Click here for Flyer

Lights Out - Jersey Beach Boys - Oct 12

Lights Out Jersey Beach Boys

Imagine yourself listening to the amazing hits of the Beach Boys, while watching the smooth moves of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.... Lights Out has re‐imagined what The Beach Boys would be like if this actually had happened. Sing along to all of the west coast hits while you dance along with moves created by one of the greatest groups to hit the musical landscape. Get up and party with, LIGHTS OUT!

This is an AMAZING show. Discounted ticket special for advance purchases. Only 2 tickets for $50 or $30 per ticket. Get your seats while limited time discount is available. Click here for tickets

2026 Grand Lodge of Delaware Masonic Cruise

2026 Grand Lodge Cruise

The cruise on the beautiful Carnival Magic will depart Miami, Florida on Saturday, March 7, 2026. The itinerary includes four relaxing days at sea and stops in the sunny ports of Aruba, Curacao and Amber Cove (Dominican Republic), before returning to Miami on Sunday, March 15, 2026.

Registration is now open. By booking this early, there is nearly a year and a half to make payments as final payment is not due until November 1, 2025. There are multiple cabin options to fit any need you would like.

To make your reservations, please contact Aaron Jackson from Dreams Fulfilled Travel at (302) 858-7841 or by email at If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Chad Robinson, PGMar., at (302) 270-4391.
Please see the attached flyer for more information. Click here for Flyer